Saturday, March 8, 2008

Materials Transition-Experimentation

SH I guess all the stuff I've ever made has been out of...I've found a place usually to get free materials somewhere, so I've recycled stuff. I covered this tree in carpet, just because I found this massive amount of carpet in this warehouse and it was all destined for a land fill, and I was like, thats great material, I need to do something with that.

a lot of my pieces have come from having some of the material that kind of fell upon me. The museum was getting rid of a bunch of plywood and I said “I'll” take it and ended up making these slotted figures That's how they came about, I have this plywood and I need to do something with it, and thats how I came up with them probably.

RS What have you bought for your art? Recycling is that a big deal to you along with the storytelling , or is it just for convenience sake?

SH there's been some times when,,, we bought the cardboard for the tank, and after I made the first slotted figures I got commissioned to make some like them out of metal, and so those are pretty permanent, that was kind of a new generation of the pieces. But I guess I am pretty inspired by using stuff thats going to get thrown away.

SS When you see something in a dumpster or something that's obviously free for the taking... obviously you don't pick up everything you see.
SH I'm pretty selective yes
SS So when you see something and it speaks to you, you don't know what you're going to do with it.
SH Yeah the nice thing is, I live right next door to to a wedding photography place. They have this dumpster that every time I walk past it I poke my head in and, I haven't started collecting it but I figure its ripe for collecting, that shitty green foam stuff that is really awe some.

SS the kind you can press your thumbs into?

SH Yeah ever since I was a kid and I would go to my nana's house and she'd yell at me cause I'd be over poking holes in this green foam. Its got a really cool feel to it, so its probably going to be next.

SS You know I'm in the social practice deal, and oddly, or even ironically its very much about the medium, which is often the public at large or collaborating with what exists, and it seem seems like what you are doing is really very similar, because it is about the medium, but the medium is already there and is speaking to you, so its more a live collaboration? Is that too airy fairy?

SH No, I'll never be abel to deny my initial , instinctual attraction to certain materials..

SS Do you want to?

SH No no not at all.. I feel that's what's really natural, its made all of my previous work its why I 'm whittling, but, this is one of the few materials I went out and bought
and I had in my head that I wanted to by cherry wood because of all the woods it has this warm nostalgic feeling to me. It probably would have been more fitting for this project to just pick up a stick and start whittling it, but for me it is just comforting to have cherry-wood.

Beyond it just being about the materials I've been having this drive to make it.... Inevitably just choosing the materials based on my my gut reaction or instinctual attraction towards it, instead of that I wanted to endow it with a sense of story. This is an experiment to do that, I felt like it needed more content than just the chance of having something here and knowing I need to do something with it and doing it. Because of a dead line. I'm trying to give it a new translation.

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